No Mass Update link
Ask your workspace administrator to verify that the Mass Update add-on has been properly installed and has been enabled for your user account.
No Formatted Export link
Ask your workspace administrator to verify that the Mass Update add-on has been properly installed, updated, and enabled.
Error message “One Project Portal field may match only one column in the table”
You have configured several columns to match the same Project Portal property. One Project Portal property may match only one column in the Excel table.
Error message “Selected identifiers are not sufficient to identify unique documents in file”
The columns selected for identification are not sufficient to create a unique identifier for each row of the Excel table. Duplicate identifiers are listed after the error message. Either select additional columns to use as identifiers or fix duplicate identifiers in the Excel table, for example, by removing duplicate rows.
Error message “Please select at least one field for identification”
One to three columns must be selected as identifiers in the table (action Match with). Verify that you have selected one to three columns to identify documents.
Error message “Only up to 3 field may be selected for identification”
One to three columns must be selected as identifiers in the table (action Match with). Verify that you have selected one to three columns to identify documents.
Error message “Cannot edit calculated values”
You may not modify calculated values. Set the action of calculated properties to Skip. The calculated values being edited are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Error message “Cannot append to date values”
Date properties must contain one single date in the format YYYY-mm-dd and may not be appended. If date information needs to be appended, the property type must be changed, for example, to Text area.
Error message “Cannot edit evaluated values”
You may not modify calculated values. Set the action of calculated properties to Skip.
Error message “Cannot edit version”
You may not modify document version numbers controlled by Project Portal. The document Status property may not be modified directly using Mass Update. Set the action of Status to Skip or Match with.
Error message “Cannot edit Document”
You may not modify document version numbers controlled by Project Portal.
The document Status property may not be modified directly using Mass Update. Set the action of Status to Skip or Match with.
Error message “Cannot edit Document ID”
You may not modify the Document ID (internal catalogue ID) property. Set the action of Status to Skip or Match with.
Error message “Cannot edit Document number”
If the workspace is configured to use system-generated numbers, you cannot edit document numbers with Mass Update. Set the action of Document number to Skip or Match with.
Error message “Cannot edit Status”
You may not modify the Status property with Mass Update. Set the action of Status to Skip or Match with.
Error message “Cannot edit Document type”
You may not modify the Document type property with Mass Update. Set the action of Document type to Skip or Match with.
Error message “Cannot edit Lifecycle”
You may not modify the Lifecycle property with Mass Update. Set the action of Lifecycle to Skip or Match with.